by MasterToons
The moral to this episode is:
Trust is the greatest of gifts, but it must be earned.
Summary is:
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine goes to Naboo guarded by Jedi knights. Meanwhile, Cad Bane, Rako Hardeen aka a disguised Obi-Wan, and a pack of Bounty hunters put their plan into action.
What I liked about this episode: The technology was awesome!
The Holographic Disguise Matrix that one can walk into and become whatever image that is pre-programmed to be. Problem is it is unstable. It was never really discussed who made it. But obviously Confederacy of Independent Systems technology:
Next is Rako Hardeen's sniper's rifle. It had a 1000 yard scope with plasma charges. It's only drawback, was only one round. It was a nice set. And probably CIS tech, too. Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.???
What I did not like about this episode was too much "backtalk" and "butt kissing" by whiny Jedi. First, Jedi Master Mace Windu was pissed because Supreme Chancellor Palpatine insisted on attending the "Festival of Light" on Naboo. Then Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker almost slipped up with Senator Padme Amidala and their relationship by putting Padawan Ahsoka Tano to be her personal security. And as usual, the Jedi are totally clueless that the Sith are being crafty in the same place. It makes one wonder how easy Order 66 really was and should the Jedi Order just be put out of its misery.
The other issue was the Count Dooku show always fighting Obi-Wan and Anakin. That fact is getting boring. And the bounty hunters are not really agents to the CIS. It looks like all that there is to the CIS is Count Dooku, maybe General Grievous and that is untrue. There were many others that made the Separatist Movement and not entirely ONLY a set up by the Sith, totally.
With the showing of the Phantom Menace in 3D in movie theaters and all the young people thoroughly enjoying them, and the publication of both Darth Plagueis and the Wrath of Darth Maul, as well as the showing of Darth Maul's resurrection in the Clone Wars, it would seem that having a Separatist POV beyond the Dooku-Obi-Wan-Anakin show would be more expansive. But no, it is not. Why?
The sad part this episode cannot change. Its purpose was to show how Anakin flicks off Obi-Wan for not telling him he went undercover. Like he needed to know. But being the whiny Jedi that Anakin is, he throws up a "metallic bird" in Obi-Wan's face. Who gets Mace Windu concerned about Obi-Wan's return. But being studious, Obi-Wan discovered why Count Dooku did not show up and flaked out on Cad Bane, Moralo Eval and Rako Hardeen until Obi Wan showed his true colors.
Plot-wise, bleech!
But tech wise, behind the scenes, the voice actors did an EXTRAORDINARY JOB!
Mr. Stephen Stanton voices Moralo Eval - realized that he spoke in the 3rd person.
Mr. James Arnold Taylor voices Obi-Wan Kenobi and Rako Hardeen - which was a lowering of his voice that was not difficult for him to do.
Mr. Ian Ambercrombie who voiced Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - passed away before this episode aired, publicly. He will be sorely missed.
To the voice actors, thank you for your technological advances.