As a matter of fact, they're Sith...

The HOLOSEC: Social Holographic Electronic Interface Liaison Android (S.H.E.I.L.A.) reports from the Confederacy of Independent Systems from a "Separatist's Point of View" on the Season 5 trailer to Star Wars: The Clone Wars entitled, Revival and the fortune cookie is:


Out of the gate, when the security droids approached, Darth Maul and Savage Opress easily removed them. What is interesting in the Clone Wars shows, the droid appear to "feel" things. But when Darth Maul and Savage Opress used the Force to trample them, the droids did not seem to respond to the crushing or they did not howl. Making this issue a trope one, perhaps?

Separatists Droids would not have been so easily conquered.

Then Darth Maul asserts his rule over his brother. That is when it is asked, why does Savage Opress have a skirt on?

Then we cut to the scene with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia. They land at the space station that were destroyed by Darth Maul and Savage Opress.

They speak to the warehouse supervisor that readily tells them the droids saw that the lightsabers were red. Next to casually, Obi-Wan replies:

Throughout this episode, the Jedi bring up Sith several times and no one really knows what a Sith is! It seems the Jedi do not either. But for the pirates, they have seen some things about the Sith and what they can do, but are not afraid of them.  Is this a revival regarding the Sith? What about the "rule of two" for the Sith? Is it a "revival" of sorts?

It may be a matter of strength in the Force.

Either way, it shows how easily the Sith can be defeated by rogue bands of pirates. 

An angry Sith fighting is not wise to have around. Frustration with a Sith fuels more anger and rampage.

Of course this entire arc is tied into the comic books, Shadow Conspiracy.

At any rate, both Jedi and Sith lose things. These scuffles with Darth Maul and Savage Opress in the crime world mean nothing to the Confederacy of Independent Systems!

In fact, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine of the Republic said so with just one look.

The future? Who knows, but the Separatists must deal with a new possible threat of rogue Sith capable of destroying the Droid Army. 

What was revived, here?